Let’s be phygital

Let’s be phygital

Everything goes around e-commerce nowadays, but is good to know that roughly 90% of American’s shopping still take place in physical stores. Analogue human experiences concerning our senses, remain important and I don’t believe robots will replace this in a near future. But yes, the alarm started ringing. It is not the first big wave of change in the retail industry, but for sure this one is the one that requires more speed of changing. So, it is time to wake up and move on!

More than ever, client is king. When I say client I am referring to humana and not mere numbers. They are at the shop to have human contact and a amazing experience, thus give them some reasons to visit you. In order to help creating an even more special brick and mortar shopping experience and fill the gap between physical and digital, there are hundreds of start-ups that can help us.Many companies focus on optimizing store operation, such as inventory control, mobile payments and coupons. Others leverage frontier technologies to bring disruptive innovation to the physical space. and last but not least, big data is driving strategies and challenging marketers.

Technology is becoming more relevant every day, but human capital, purpose, authenticity, quality and passion are also fundamental while facing these challenging digital natives consumers and brick and mortar shopping experience.Technology is a fundamental tool but can’t replace the human touch. Let’s join forces, let’s be phygital!

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